DMR Tech Net TV is a monthly show on Zoom, broadcast the third Tuesday each month. We’ll be live from 8pm ET – 9pm ET to explain and demystify DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).
- On Tuesday, February 20, we will have Robert Bretzman K4WZV, one of the founders of the TGIF network, to discuss and answer questions about why TGIF is, in his opinion, the best DMR network/mode to use.
- Tuesday, March 19, we will be going over upgrading to the WPSD interface for your pi-star hotspot with Brad KE8WNV, Rick AD8KN, and hopefully Chip WØCHP.
- On April 16, we will have Garrett Dow KD6KPC of to go over why his website is the premier repeater directory in the amateur radio world.
To join the DMR Tech Net TV Zoom meeting, click the following link:
Or point your internet browser to and select “Join a meeting” in the top right-hand side. Then input the following to join:
- Meeting ID: 844 4766 4395
- Passcode: 370040
To join with only your phones’ audio, dial (312) 626-6799 and input the following:
- Meeting ID: 844 4766 4395
- Passcode: 370040