This Monday night we will talk about “What DMR item(s) do you want Santa Claus to bring you for Christmas?” Check-in to the DMR Tech Net and tell us what’s on…
Category: Brandmeister
What topics do you want the DMR Tech Net team to discuss on future DMR Tech Nets?
This Monday night we will talk about the DMR topics you want on the DMR Tech Net team to discuss on future DMR Tech Net nets. Join the DMR Tech Net and…
Monday, November 25th We’re Talking Hotspots On The DMR Tech Net
This Monday night we will discuss DMR hotspots. Brad KE8WNV had hotspot issues recently so he built a new hotspot and will share his wisdom about them. Join the DMR Tech Net…
This Monday night we will discuss the features you want on your ideal, or next, Digital Mobile Radio
This Monday night we will discuss the features your ideal DMR would have. Join the DMR Tech Net to let us know and add your comments to what others suggest. Join us…
Monday Night, November 4th We’re Discussing The OpenGD-77 Firmware
This Monday night we will discuss the OpenGD-77 firmware for DMR radios and the pros and cons of using it. Add your comments and questions as we learn more about the OpenGD-77…
Join Us Monday Night As We Discuss “Would You Rather Build Or Buy A Hotspot, and Why?”
Join us on Brandmeister Talk Group 31266 (Michigan Nets) for the DMR Tech Net on Monday, October 28th from 7:30 PM ET to 8:25 PM ET. The net will conclude early to…
Join us Monday night and let us know how you connect to DMR, with repeaters or hotspots, and why?
Join us on Brandmeister Talk Group 31266 (Michigan Nets) for the DMR Tech Net on Monday, October 21st from 7:30 PM ET to 8:25 PM ET. The net will conclude early to…
Join The DMR Tech Net on Monday, October 14th As We Discuss Emergency Traffic Nets
Join us on Brandmeister Talk Group 31266 (Michigan Nets) for the DMR Tech Net on Monday, October 14th from 7:30 PM ET to 8:25 PM ET. The net will conclude early to…
Join us Monday to share your DMR Hints and Tips
Join us on Brandmeister Talk Group 31266 (Michigan Nets) for the DMR Tech Net on Monday, October 7th from 7:30 PM ET to 8:25 PM ET. The net will conclude early to…
What DMR Network(s) do you use? Join us Monday night with your comments
Join us on Brandmeister Talk Group 31266 (Michigan Nets) for the DMR Tech Net on Monday, September 30th from 7:30 PM ET to 8:25 PM ET. The net will conclude early to…