HPARC Meeting Announcement
The next meeting of the Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday, April 10th at 7:30 PM ET at the Hazel Park Memorial Library. Socializing starts around 7:00 PM. The meeting will include a presentation by Dana West, KC0MYP about how DMR works and how to get set up with it.
The Hazel Park library is located at 123 E 9 Mile Rd – at the corner of 9 Mile road and John R street. https://goo.gl/maps/CYvGU58SsCLT7Kof9 on Google maps.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88138862760?pwd=YWt4R2Z2RUo3amNDTGowK2Z5dHdrZz09
Meeting ID: 881 3886 2760
Passcode: HPARC
DMR itinerary to HPARC April 10, 2024
DMR Tech Net team members
- Tom Janke N8TJ
- Stan LaMuth WB8QJZ
- Steve Sutton KC8WXM
- Dana West KCØMYP
- Brad Freeland KE8WNV
- Brian Vissers KE8NJT
- Rick Klingensmith AD8KN
Introduction of DMR Tech Net team (Dana)
- What is DMR (Digital Mobile Radio)? (Dana)
- Why use DMR? (Tom)
- Different DMR networks/modes (Stan)
- Local check-in with Brad KE8WNV on BM TG-3126 statewide Michigan channel
- USA check-in with Stan WB8QJZ on TGIF TG-31268 DMR Tech Net channel
- Australia check-in with Graeme VK6MIL on TGIF TG-31268 DMR Tech Net channel
- How to get started with DMR & equipment needed (Brad)
- Programming – CPS – Code plugs (Stan)
- Using Repeaters and/or Hotspots (Tom)
- Nets (Brad)
- Cool things you can do with DMR (Tom, Stan, Brad)
- Final thoughts (Stan, Tom, Brad)
- Q & A
https://dmrtechnet.net/ dmrtechnet.net/dmr-tech-net-tv https://www.youtube.com/@dmrtechnettv
The DMR Tech Net team is branching out with a monthly show called DMR Tech Net TV via Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month from 8pm-9pm ET.
We’ve scheduled Garrett Dow KD6KPC of com on Tuesday, April 16, to explain his website and the new changes coming to it. To Join the Zoom Meeting, click the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84447664395?pwd=djZMbFZaWVRkRDRudkRFeWc2WWV4UT09
General DMR Radio Features:
- Digital Communication: DMR radios use digital modulation for communication, providing better voice quality and improved performance compared to analog radios.
- Dual Band Operation: Many DMR radios operate on multiple bands, allowing users to communicate on different frequencies.
- GPS Functionality: Some DMR radios come equipped with GPS features, allowing users to share location information and track the position of other users.
- Private Call and Group Call: DMR radios typically support both private and group calls, enabling more flexible communication options.
- Text Messaging: Digital radios often support text messaging capabilities, allowing users to send short messages in addition to voice communication.
- Programming Flexibility: DMR radios can be programmed with various channels and settings, providing flexibility in configuring the device for specific use cases.
- Enhanced Audio Quality: Digital modulation technology often results in clearer audio quality compared to analog radios, especially in challenging environments.
- Improved Spectrum Efficiency: DMR radios use time-division multiple access (TDMA), allowing for more efficient use of the radio spectrum and accommodating more users.
- Extended Battery Life: Digital radios can be more power-efficient, leading to longer battery life compared to analog radios.
- Advanced Features: DMR radios often come with advanced features such as encryption, roaming, and advanced call management options.
- Interoperability: DMR is an open standard, promoting interoperability among different manufacturers’ radios that comply with the standard.
- Upgradeability: Some DMR radios may support firmware updates, allowing users to benefit from new features and improvements over time.
- Dual Band Capability: Some DMR radios, including the AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus, may operate on multiple bands, allowing users to communicate on different frequencies.
- Power Output: Check the power output options available on the radio. Higher power output can be useful for longer-range communication.
- Color Display: Many modern DMR radios come with a color display for easy navigation through menus and settings.
- GPS Functionality: Some DMR radios have built-in GPS features, allowing users to share location information and track the position of other users.
- Battery Life: Consider the battery capacity and estimated battery life, especially if you plan to use the radio for extended periods without access to charging.
- Text Messaging: Check if the radio supports text messaging features, which can be valuable for sending short messages in addition to voice communication.
- Channel Capacity: The number of programmable channels is essential, especially if you need to manage a large number of frequencies.
- Firmware Updates: Determine if the radio supports firmware updates. Regular updates can provide access to new features and improvements.
- Programming Software: Ensure that the radio comes with or has compatible programming software. This is essential for configuring channels, frequencies, and other settings.
- Audio Quality: Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) offers superior audio quality compared to traditional analog radio
- Accessories: Various accessories such as antennas, chargers, belt clips, and carrying cases that can enhance the usability of the radio.
- Compliance with Regulations: Ensure that the radio complies with relevant radio communication regulations in your region.
DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) networks/modes include: Brandmeister, TGIF, FreeDMR, (YSF) Yaesu System Fusion, Wires-X, D-Star, M17, P25, All-Star Node, and others.
Here are the Michigan DMR nets we know about. Please join in & participate with them:
Saturday: 7:00pm Arrow DMR Net on Brandmeister talk group 3126
7:30pm DMR Trivia Net on TGIF talk group 31268
Sunday: 6:30pm UP (Upper Peninsula) Net on Brandmeister talk group 31268
Monday: 7:30pm DMR Tech Net on Brandmeister talk group 3126
8:30pm Michigan One DMR Net on Brandmeister talk group 3126
You can always chat with the DMR Tech Net team on TGIF talk group 31268, the DMR Tech Net channel, or Brandmeister talk group 31266, the Michigan Nets channel. We’re also on Discord and Telegram. Search for “DMR Tech Net” and join our groups.
If you want to subscribe to the weekly DMR Tech Net newsletter, send an email to subscribe@dmrtechnet.net and we’ll get you added on the list.
Check our website, https://dmrtechnet.net/ to keep up with the DMR Tech Net topics.
Here’s a list of Michigan talk groups on the two most popular DMR networks:
Here is a list of helpful DMR websites:
- https://brandmeister.network/
- https://hose.brandmeister.network/
- https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Main_Page
- https://news.brandmeister.network/category/documentation/
- https://tgif.network/
- https://radioid.net/
- https://www.repeaterbook.com/
- https://aprs.fi/
- https://aprs.fi/doc/guide/guide.html
- https://www.miklor.com/
- https://www.michiganonedmr.net/
- https://ke8wnv.com/michigan-trivia-net
- https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/