DMR Tech Net TV is a monthly show on Zoom, broadcast the third Tuesday each month. We’ll be live from 8pmET-9pm ET to explain and demystify DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).
To join the DMR Tech Net TV Zoom meeting, click the following link:
Or point your internet browser to and select “Join a meeting” in the top right-hand side. Then input the following to join:
- Meeting ID: 844 4766 4395
- Passcode: 370040
To join with only your phones’ audio, dial (312) 626-6799 and input the following:
- Meeting ID: 844 4766 4395
- Passcode: 370040
Tuesday, February 20, we had Robert Bretzman K4WZV, one of the founders of the TGIF network, to discuss and answer questions about why TGIF is, in his opinion, the best DMR network/mode to use.
The DMR DMR Tech Net TV videos can also be viewed on our YouTube Channel:
Tuesday, March 19, Brad KE8WNV and Rick AD8KN discussed using and upgrading to WPSD with your Pi-Star hotspot.
Saturday, April 27, Brad KE8WNV, Stan WB8QJZ, and Steve KC8WXM explained HamShack Hotline
The DMR Tech Net team was going to discuss the M17 Project with Steve Miller KC1AWV and Ed Wilson N2XDD but they were not able to join us. We’ll try to reschedule them for another time.
On Tuesday, August 20, our special guest will be part two of Robert Bretzman K4WZV, one of the founders of the TGIF network. He will discuss (and answer questions about) TGIF, the features available on his network, how to find a list of TGIF talk groups along with creating your own talk group, the items (hotspots & DMR radios) available for sale in the TGIF store, future improvements coming to TGIF, what TGIF talk group 31665 is for, as well as answer your questions.
On Tuesday, September 17, we have Scott Yonally N8SY, ARRL Director, Great Lakes Division, to go over what ARRL does for amateur radio, what is available for members, a wrap-up of the Dayton Hamvention, membership changes, along with media & magazines available on the ARRL site. Plus, he will answer your questions!
On Tuesday, October 15, DMR Tech Net TV will have Jeremiah Mulford W9JAM, to talk about his tech support work at BridgeCom Systems and why they’re a DMR heavyweight. He will answer your questions after his presentation, so please join us Tuesday night and have your questions ready!
On Tuesday, November 19, DMR Tech Net TV had Dave Wolf WO5H, to talk about his work at Radio Shack as the “King of Parts”. He and his product team introduced amateur radio equipment, such as the HTX-100, HTX-202, HTX-242, HTX-404 plus Radio Shack amateur radio parts and products. If you bought solder, capacitors, resistors, switches, IC’s, and many more parts, you dealt with Dave’s product lines. After his presentation, Dave will answer your questions, so join us Tuesday night!
On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, the DMR Tech Net TV team discussed how and why to tweak the CPS (Computer/Consumer Programming Software) settings for your Digital Mobile Radio & hotspot.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025, the DMR Tech Net TV team discussed “What is DMR” and “How To Get Started With DMR”.
Tuesday, February 18, The DMR Tech Net TV team welcomed Al Williams WD5GNR, who discussed his articles at Hackaday.
Tuesday, March 18, The DMR Tech Net team had Garrett Dow KD6KPC back to discuss