Join us Monday, September 11th on Brandmeister talk group 3126 from 7:45pm ET – 8:30pm ET for the DMR Tech Net.
We’d like to tell you about a new YouTube show on and have an open forum with your comments about anything digital radio.
Tom N8TJ, Stan WB8QJZ, Steve KC8WXM, and Dana KC0MYP.
The DMR Tech Net starts at 7:45pm ET on Brandmeister Talk Group 3126 (statewide Michigan) and runs until 8:30pm ET.
Stay on TG-3126 to join the Michigan One DMR net (the longest running Michigan DMR net) at 8:30pm, hosted by the DMR Tech Net team & a great team of volunteers!
Monday night, Dustin N8RMA will be Net Control for the Michigan One DMR net.
When the Michigan One DMR net is done, stay on BM talk group 3126 for an informal after-net chat by the DMR Tech Net team.
We are branching out to the TGIF network. The DMR Tech Net team has our own TGIF talk group 31268 that you are welcome to use. We’ll leave the lights on and best of all, there is no 10-minute limit!
Upcoming DMR Tech Net topics
Monday, September 11, 2023 from 7:45pm ET – 8:30pm ET on Brandmeister’s DMR Talk Group 3126:
- We will discuss a new YouTube show, “Digital Radio Roundtable Discussion” with the DMR Tech Net team, special guests, and Glen Bizeau VE9GLN of The inaugural broadcast will be Wednesday, September 13 from 7:00pm ET – 8:00pm ET on the RadioID YouTube channel:
We plan on doing this on the second Wednesday every month. Please tune in, add your comments, ask questions, and share with your ham radio friends.
Monday, September 18, 2023 from 7:45pm ET – 8:30pm ET on Brandmeister’s DMR Talk Group 3126:
- How, when, and why to update your DMR contacts via When was the last time you updated your digital contacts? RadioID currently shows 245,239 DMR ID’s.
Monday, September 25, 2023 from 7:45pm ET – 8:30pm ET on Brandmeister’s DMR Talk Group 3126:
- The letter Q, as in QSL cards & Q-codes. Do you use them? Why or why not? When was the last time you sent or received a QSL card?
Monday, October 2, 2023 from 7:45pm ET – 8:30pm ET on Brandmeister’s DMR Talk Group 3126:
- With DMR, what do you know now, that you didn’t know, when you started? What tips would you share with other DMR users? Do you help other DMR users, especially beginners (Elmering)?
Monday, October 9, 2023 from 7:45pm ET – 8:30pm ET on Brandmeister’s DMR Talk Group 3126:
- What radio accessories are important? Which ones do you currently use? Why? What accessories are you looking to get? *This is our tentative schedule and it can change*
We have created a website at for you to keep up with our DMR Tech Net topics.
If you want to join our email list, send an email to with “subscribe” in the subject line.
We will send out information about our weekly DMR Tech Net topics no more than once or twice a week.
Please check out our website,, and share this newsletter with other DMR users.
Michigan Brandmeister statewide DMR talk groups:
- 3126 Statewide Michigan (10-minute limit except for nets)
- 31260 Michigan WX ARES EmComm
- 31261 Mi-5 Statewide 1
- 31262 Mi-5 Statewide 2
- 31263 Mi-5 Event 1
- 31264 Michigan TAC
- 31265 Mi-5 Event 3
- 31267 West Michigan Talk Group
- 31268 UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan
- 31269 West Michigan Technical Group
Listen live to DMR Audio worldwide
Need some help?
- BridgeCom Systems has a 3 step DMR guide, a quick start for those who don’t really know too much about DMR yet?
You can also check out their YouTube channel for lots of tips and guidance - There is also DMR for dummies, He does a good explanation on how DMR works.
- Join Jason (KC5HWB) on his YouTube Channel for some hands on product reviews and advice.
- Radio Support & Information (Many Models)
Topics for future DMR Tech Nets:
- Go back over the Digimon feature to explain what it is, how and why to use it.
- Hot Keys. What are they, why use them, and how to set them up.
- DMR tips. Like what Steve KC8WXM mentioned to better (and faster) utilize DMR features.
- Adding or changing DMR channels via keypad programming.
- How to update your DMR contacts via
- Asking check-ins what they know now that they didn’t know when they started with DMR that would be helpful to other beginners (Elmering)
- A timeline to get started of essential things to do with DMR and why.
- Which DMR radio do you use the most & why?
- Proper DMR practices & procedures to use on-air
- DMR text messaging
- Advanced features of the Anytone 878 handheld and 578 mobile radio
- Going over the different DMR networks (Brandmeister, TGIF, DMR+, YSF, etc)
- Useful radio accessories to use with your DMR equipment
- Unique names used instead of the amateur radio alpha codes
- Antennas for handheld, mobile, and home radios
- Logging software
- QSL cards Do you send them out?